魯小日和聽音樂:《To Be Human》

近幾天是相當適合窩在家裡,沖杯熱咖啡,接著看Netflix、讀閒書、聽音樂的冷天氣(當然,對魯小宅而言,每天都合適)。跟大家分享2017年的電影音樂:《To Be Human》。

Sia特殊的唱腔帶著堅毅的氣質,完美詮釋了《Wonder Woman》的片尾曲《To Be Human》。我對DC漫畫沒有研究,不諱言完全是衝著本片女主角Gal Gadot而上影院,因此電影好壞留給觀眾評價。片尾曲《To Be Human》像是為Diana始終選擇「相信」 而一路成長的心路歷程量身打造一般,簡單的歌詞充滿渲染力,搭配電影完整傳達出她心中堅定可貴的核心信仰。

《To Be Human》

Under rich, relentless skies 
I've been setting highs 
I felt you walk right through me 

You're the thing that I invoke 
My all persistent goal 
Sent to make me queazy 

And oh, it's hard now 
With time, it works out 

To be human is to love 
Even when it gets too much 
I'm not ready to give up 

To be human is to love 
Even when it gets too much 
I'm not ready to give up

All the tigers have been out 
I don't care, I hear them howl 
I let them tear right through me 

Can you help me not to care? 
Every breath becomes a prayer 
Take this pain from me 
And oh, you're so far now 
So far from my arms now 

To be human is to love 
Even when it gets too much 
I'm not ready to give up 

To be human is to love 
Even when it gets too much 
I'm not ready to give up 

To be human 
To be human 
To be human 

Just 'cause I predicted this 
Doesn't make it any easier to live with 

And what's the point of knowin' it 
If you can't change it? 
You can't change, can't change it 

Just 'cause I predicted this 
Doesn't make it any easier to live with 

And what's the point of knowin' it 
If you can't change it? 
You can't change, can't change it 
To be human is to love 
Even when it gets too much 
I'm not ready to give up 

To be human is to love 
Even when it gets too much 
There is no reason to give up 

Don't give up 

    影片來源: YouTube



魯小日和看電影:喵力四射,《愛貓之城 (Kedi) 》

魯小日和看電影:如果可能,《人生無限露營車 (The Leisure Seeker) 》
